Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

26 ratings
Seize the Bean
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588.336 KB
Feb 12, 2018 @ 12:57am
Jul 21, 2021 @ 7:49am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Seize the Bean

You are a seasoned barista, skilled in the craft of coffee. You've had it with your day-job and set out to open your own café in the beautiful, diverse and thriving city of Berlin. Competing against other up-and-coming cafés, you set out to be the best, no matter the cost!

Seize the Bean is a thematic deck builder with brutal resource management, card drafting, set collection, engine building, modular setup and wild components!

Players compete to get the most good reviews by the end of the game. They do so by successfully serving customers in their line. Each turn will provide them limited actions which they can use to attract certain types of customers, gain resources, or even boost their actions for more effective results. By looking for opportunities in the ever-changing city, the players can take the right products and upgrades and build up their shop and clientele to victory.


We've been fully funded on Kickstarter!
So if you'd like to own a physical copy please come pre-order at:

View our WIP rulebook here:

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Sharkus Aug 2, 2023 @ 12:53am 
@dilkROM There are 5 URLs that point to "seizethebean. com" which is no longer a valid domain. Any chance to get those links updated?
Xekura Apr 29, 2022 @ 6:58am 
some pantry card doesn't load any fix? or it's just my computer?
Oliver Twist Oct 31, 2021 @ 5:44am 
Reference sheet would be awesome indeed!
TheNamelessCaptain Mar 26, 2021 @ 3:42am 
(2/2) The final thing, and this is a small thing that if the previous two things were added, wouldn't be as needed, but would still be nice, is a quick reference sheet for all the many, many, icons in the game. This will mainly cut down on the amount of times the rulebooks will have to be searched through during a game.

All in all though, it looks like a really fun game and I can't wait to play it fully (friends are currently busy, and as stated before, don't know how to play solo). Art style's great, I love the little aprons on the meeples, just don't want to have *too* much stop-and-go after I play a few games :P
TheNamelessCaptain Mar 26, 2021 @ 3:42am 
One thing that would really improve this version of the game is having the rulebooks available as game objects. It's cool that you have a link to the main rulebook, but it's a little bit annoying having to have a web browser open, and if anyone wants to double-check the rules themselves, (which happens a lot when you're just learning the game) either the host has to download the rulebook and attach it to a custom game object, or the player asking has to open it themselves using the steam browser or an external window.

But the biggest thing is that there are SO MANY OPTIONS AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT 90% OF THEM MEAN because there's no link whatsoever to the variant rulebook, so I don't know how to play solo or what the different presets are before I select them. I'm still happy to play the base version, but I'd rather make an informed decision about what type of game I'm going to play instead of trying to memorize what each customer group does. (1/2)
m'tired Feb 25, 2018 @ 7:31pm 
76561198088749279  [author] Feb 25, 2018 @ 10:46am 
@Naanbrood met knoflook this is what the current, public early draft of the rulebook stated, yes. But we sent out preview copies and have been generally doing all testing just playing with 6 groups no matter the count. It works at 2 players, 3 players, 4, 5 or 6. We put this in the early draft because we thought it would be necessary. We still aren't 100% sure yet but it's honestly one of the very last things we'll need to lock down compared to all other aspects still in development. Hope this makes sense, yeah?

PS. There are more cards coming to the mod very soon, so stay tuned!
76561198088749279  [author] Feb 25, 2018 @ 10:44am 
...Those are being taken for their purposes, for their icons, which changes depending which groups you add, not how many. The same goes for the Products side, heavily. It's very possible you can setup games where the now-called Café Achievements are going to be a challenge to get, but everyone will face that same challenge.

I'm super open for feedback but the game is not intended to be about everyone having an easy time. It's meant to force you to be flexible and pivot. That's what entrepreneurship is about IRL, at least IMO. In all my play-testing if I don't "mess up" (we can talk about what that means in chat platform more easily) then I can smash the competition not by luck but by paying attention to what is or isn't available and working within those restrictions. You have a lot of ways to score points in the game so don't forget them! :) (2/2)
76561198088749279  [author] Feb 25, 2018 @ 10:43am 
@ACGalaga [GdF*A] don't worry, this is a discussion we can have here for sure! BGG is great too, or on our Discord is always good. If you haven't already, please sign-up for our playtesters' guild at: . Once you're there we can do some serious rules testing together, seems you are good at this! :)

A couple of things: when it comes to a deck running out, then yes, it would be sensible that more cards are added to a higher player count. When it comes to "completing a set" it depends what you mean. There is no such thing as "completing a customer set". In fact, you don't need the most Tourist Customers to win the Tourist Award; you just need the most Tourist *things*, which may include Customers but could also be Upgrades or a Product. Don't underestimate how sneaky those can be! When it comes to other sets, like getting matching symbols on Products or Upgrades this isn't really something that more helps with... (1/2)
Naanbrood met knoflook Feb 18, 2018 @ 5:29am 
@DilkROM Humm, I don't think I understand... If you want to play with for example 2 player in this MOD, you'd need to only pick 5. For 3 players you pick 6 (...But you can't play with 4 because you need 7?)